- 2023年12月22日
- Web site open : 25/12/2023
We aim at unraveling the history of the universe and matter evolution to answer "How is matter created?", "How are galaxies/stars formed?", "How are elements created?" and "How do they end up with the earth?", by concentrating all efforts of underground astroparticle experiments covering neutrino-less double beta decay, dark matter, supernova and geo-neutrino.
The vigorous cooperation at "Kamioka" will expands to worldwide, and newly involved subjects (low temperature sensors, nuclear matrix element, dark matter distribution, supernova explosion and matter evolution theory) will further deepen each research field and enhance the synergy among them.
Along this purpose, we are having an international workshop UGAP2024 in 4-6 March, 2024 at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. This is the forth one following International Symposia "Revealing the history of the universe with underground particle and nuclear research”in 2016, 2019 and "Unraveling the History of the Universe and Matter Evolution with Underground Physics" 2022. The workshop will be held in a hybrid format with a maximum effort to facilitate in-person participation.
Subjects to be discussed include:
- Double beta decay
- Dark matter
- Neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology
- Instrumentation and Technology
Important Dates
発表申し込み締め切り(ポスター) : (JST)2024年02月13日
バンケット参加申し込み締め切り : (JST)2024年02月13日
参加登録締め切り : (JST)2024年02月29日